How to choose an LED sign

What you need to know about a suitable electronic sign for your business

Before selecting an LED sign you need to consider lots of parameters. The most important parameters are the size of display, location of display, viewing distance, type of contents and communication methods. Installation is also play an important roles and affects type of LED, material or communication methods.

The above parameters impact on which digital signage model is suitable for your business. Let's start with the general information and concepts of LED signs.

What is an LED display?

LED display or LED sign is an electronic sign consists of a matrix of individual LED lights (LED pixels) that make image, text or video together. LED pixels are placed very close together and from relatively far distance the eyes won’t be able to see the gap between the pixels result in an acceptable image quality with minimum pixilation. Compare to LCD digital signage (like TV), LED signs and LED displays provide lower resolution due to lower number of pixels. But, brightness and colour production is much more eye-catching which is necessary for outdoor and behind the window digital signage.
What is LED Sign
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Viewing Distance

The most important factor of LED signage is viewing distance. If your sign will be viewed from long distance by people in the car driving fast then you need a big character size to make it readable. As a rule of tomb you need at least 2 inch of character height for each 100ft of viewing distance to make it readable. For full-colour sign with image and video support you may need bigger size to make better impact on viewer.

LED Sign Viewing Distance Guide

Traffic Pattern

Another important factor in size of digital signage is traffic pattern. If your sign will be viewed in by people in relatively close distance (like shopping centres) you can choose smaller size with higher resolution (pixel pitch).

Advertising Media

The size of digital signage also depends on advertising material. If you decided to use scrolling text only LED display, you can choose minimum character height. But, if decide to have full-colour led sign to use advantage of an eye catching LED sign with image, backgrounds and video support then you need to make it bigger to have more room for image, background and other animated object on your digital LED signage.

P8 Module (8mm pitch)


P10 Module (10mm pitch)


P16 Module (16mm pitch)

For more information about pixel pitch and resolution visit:

Pixel Pitch and resolution

Pixel pitch is center to center distance of pixels. The shorter pixel pitch the higher resolution. Viewing distance is the main factor to decide about the pixel pitch. For normal indoor LED sign with image and video support P6 LED modules (6mm pitch) is a standard resolution. However, in some case required high resolution or very close viewing distance P4 LED modules (4mm pitch) is recommended. For outdoor application P8 or P10 (8mm and 10mm pixel pitch) for short viewing distance and P16 modules (16mm pitch) for far viewing distance are mostly used.

Communication Methods

Synchronous control cards

This type of LED control card need a computer system to show advertising media on LED display. This type of control card are suitable for application you need to change your display media very often or you need to show lots of media on it (like huge outdoor TVs or huge billboards). There are different synchronous control cards with network, Wi-Fi or GPRS options.

Asynchronous control cards

Unlike the synchronous control cards, asynchronous control cards don’t need any computer to control it. All advertising media is saved in internal memory then control card play it according to the programmed schedule. This type of control card is suitable for any applications doesn’t need every day update like business LED signs, School LED Signs, behind the window LED sign. This type of control card is available with USB, cable, Wi-Fi or GPRS option.

For more information about Communication Methods visit:
For more information visit Software Guide:

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